Lupo Project
The fundamental idea behind this project is to build something unique and complete, not just focusing on some aspects while others drop, but gathering the best products from every ambit. The aim is to create just one optimum basic Suite, well-adapted for every kind of user, which can also be easily enriched and customized. To extend to the maximum user's freedom, reaching every need, the project goes even beyond: we present a huge collection of portable applications, that try to consider also the specific and professional interests of some our users; we finally have included a rich list of portable games, usually neglected by other similar projects, in our broad software database.
The project was born in 2005, when I was interested on some programs that "I discover" can work also after I moved them on other machines. Then I decided to collect them and made a small package, in order to bring it with me.
Shortly after the collection became richer and I decided to search a software to manage them in a small list, while I was searching about portable software on the web.
Between the end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006 I started to find projects about portable software, I published the first test versions of my Suite on some forums and in particular someone advised me to try WinInizio suites. I was right on this site, I discussed with other users, I helped them and I progressively become an expert of portable software.
Continuing my software collection, I improved it from many points of view, while on WinInizio I continued the collaboration and they proposed me to work on their project. In this period I also met Salvatore, a user that was starting to develop a completely open source collection of programs.
WinInizio imposed me limitations to work with them; so, also because of problems between the administrators of the forum and Salvatore, I preferred to continue my project and to collaborate with other users.
In the summer of the 2006 I studied HTML and CSS, and I created a small website with my first official version of Lupo PenSuite, with a wolf that wraps a USB flash drive as logo.
The months passed, the project was improved, I started to use PStart as launcher and progressively also the website aspect was improved. I helped various projects similar to mine and that developed portable software, like PortableFreeware, PortableApps and FramaKey.
Discussing on some forums I gained knowledge of a new great project, WinPenPack: an Italian project that appeared very active and well developed. I decided to collaborate also with them, while I began to write small tutorials to make portable applications, I improved documentation and structure of my Suite and at the end of 2006 I changed the main launcher with an open source one: ASuite.
During the early months of 2007 I also continued the collaboration with oPenSuite, the project realized by Salvatore, while I completely rewrote the website and with the help of some friends I also translated it in English.
From April 2007 users and employees increased, many also from the foreign countries, so we decided to develop the Suite in more languages (English, Italian, French, German, Spanish) and to create a Lite version to leave maximum freedom to the user to customize it.
At the end of August we started also a direct cooperation with SpazioPC, a website that offered to host our forums and suite packages. In October it was been substantially modified the website, rewriting the bulk of the sources and adding some JavaScript effects.
In early 2008 we decided to purchase a dedicated domain, maintaining important collaborations with NextHardware (before called SpazioPC). The site has been improved, even with the addition of German translation, and were created Suite translation packages in many other languages.
In April I began to use NSIS to create the wizard extraction of the main package and I designed skins for the new menu. Then in July I also began to use AutoIt (a BASIC-like scripting language) to create the "Update Checker", a tool to verify the presence of new Suite releases and download them, the "Setting Updater", that permits to transfer application setting files from the previous release to the next one, and the "Icon Switcher", to switch icon sets of the Suite menu. At the end of September I reorganized these tools and unified them in a unique software, the "Suite Manager".
Many news and changes characterized the 2009: several improvements to the "Suite Manager" (now able to manage single software updates, the backup/restore settings and much more), the creation and development of some portable software like ArcThemALL! and DropIt, the collaboration with some teachers to a portable collection of didactics software named PcInTasca and many other interesting collaborations and works.
The Lupo project go on also thanks to your support and collaboration, with improvements and useful updates every year.
We will update news from time to time ^_^
Shortly after the collection became richer and I decided to search a software to manage them in a small list, while I was searching about portable software on the web.
Between the end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006 I started to find projects about portable software, I published the first test versions of my Suite on some forums and in particular someone advised me to try WinInizio suites. I was right on this site, I discussed with other users, I helped them and I progressively become an expert of portable software.
Continuing my software collection, I improved it from many points of view, while on WinInizio I continued the collaboration and they proposed me to work on their project. In this period I also met Salvatore, a user that was starting to develop a completely open source collection of programs.
WinInizio imposed me limitations to work with them; so, also because of problems between the administrators of the forum and Salvatore, I preferred to continue my project and to collaborate with other users.
In the summer of the 2006 I studied HTML and CSS, and I created a small website with my first official version of Lupo PenSuite, with a wolf that wraps a USB flash drive as logo.
The months passed, the project was improved, I started to use PStart as launcher and progressively also the website aspect was improved. I helped various projects similar to mine and that developed portable software, like PortableFreeware, PortableApps and FramaKey.
Discussing on some forums I gained knowledge of a new great project, WinPenPack: an Italian project that appeared very active and well developed. I decided to collaborate also with them, while I began to write small tutorials to make portable applications, I improved documentation and structure of my Suite and at the end of 2006 I changed the main launcher with an open source one: ASuite.
During the early months of 2007 I also continued the collaboration with oPenSuite, the project realized by Salvatore, while I completely rewrote the website and with the help of some friends I also translated it in English.
From April 2007 users and employees increased, many also from the foreign countries, so we decided to develop the Suite in more languages (English, Italian, French, German, Spanish) and to create a Lite version to leave maximum freedom to the user to customize it.
At the end of August we started also a direct cooperation with SpazioPC, a website that offered to host our forums and suite packages. In October it was been substantially modified the website, rewriting the bulk of the sources and adding some JavaScript effects.
In early 2008 we decided to purchase a dedicated domain, maintaining important collaborations with NextHardware (before called SpazioPC). The site has been improved, even with the addition of German translation, and were created Suite translation packages in many other languages.
In April I began to use NSIS to create the wizard extraction of the main package and I designed skins for the new menu. Then in July I also began to use AutoIt (a BASIC-like scripting language) to create the "Update Checker", a tool to verify the presence of new Suite releases and download them, the "Setting Updater", that permits to transfer application setting files from the previous release to the next one, and the "Icon Switcher", to switch icon sets of the Suite menu. At the end of September I reorganized these tools and unified them in a unique software, the "Suite Manager".
Many news and changes characterized the 2009: several improvements to the "Suite Manager" (now able to manage single software updates, the backup/restore settings and much more), the creation and development of some portable software like ArcThemALL! and DropIt, the collaboration with some teachers to a portable collection of didactics software named PcInTasca and many other interesting collaborations and works.
The Lupo project go on also thanks to your support and collaboration, with improvements and useful updates every year.
We will update news from time to time ^_^




